We provide smart city transportation solutions to ensure safer travel, 减少交通堵塞, 优化基础设施投资.
Road transportation systems are evolving to meet the needs of a world on the move. Road Operators are paving the way toward a safer, greener future with digital technology.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise provides Internet of Things (物联网)-ready network technology that enables road operators to optimise next generation intelligent transportation systems to provide safer, 不拥挤的, 环保的道路.
Smart city transportation solutions designed for the digital age
- 通过减少拥堵改善旅客体验
- 加强对旅行者、工作人员和资产的安全保障
- 提高运营效率
Network Infrastructure for your mission-critical ITS applications
ITS operators are facing significant challenges to 减少交通堵塞 and incidents. To meet these challenges operators are implementing congestion monitoring and control systems across their networks. 这些新系统需要一个健壮的 关键任务数据网络 能够支持数百万个物联网设备. 有些设备可能需要在偏远和荒凉的地区, which means the infrastructure must be installed and provisioned automatically and capable of operating in extreme 温度和环境.
Reducing congestion increases safety and security for travellers, however, this alone is not enough. 智能交通系统的运营商正在部署更多的摄像头来检测事故, 以及自动减速系统, 哪些都是IP连接的. Other 物联网s provide the ability to detect incidents; using CPaaS, the operational team can be notified and take necessary actions in a timely manner which can save lives.
网络必须易于管理和维护,这使得 最短路径桥接(SPB) 这是许多运营商的明确选择. SPB simplifies day-to-day operations and makes fault finding easier than traditional protocols such as Spanning Tree (STP). Automated onboarding of devices and the ability to offer ITS operators long term support are key elements in increasing operational efficiency.
Road transport systems are evolving to meet the needs of a world on the move. 从互联公共汽车到自动驾驶汽车, the transportation industry is harnessing the power of IP connectivity and the internet of things (物联网). 这是如何.
Sensors and surveillance systems deliver a stream of information on everything from variations in speed, 温度和机械缺陷, 到十字路口等车的数量. ALE connected ITS solutions ensure this critical information is processed and acted on to ensure traveller safety and security.
Cities and urban regions worldwide are facing increasing pressure on commuter systems. Congestion is taking a toll on regional economic competitiveness, fuel use and the environment. The right network infrastructure lets you scale your resources to meet demand, 灵活地处理高峰时段可能发生的任何事情.
新技术可以使日常操作更快、更便宜. Centralised provisioning and automated deployment help operational personnel to get set up and working faster.
数字时代通信 for a smarter Operations Control Centre1/900:01:30
交通中的Wi-Fi 6 -短Videos2/900:01:00
Intelligent and rugged ITS networking is your ticket to light rail success7/900:00:38
The Alcatel-Lucent 视觉通知助手 is the perfect solution, 面向各行各业的企业, 因为它提供了一个简单而灵活的, easy-to-in……
The OmniAccess Stellar WLAN portfolio offers a full range of access points including the latest Wi-Fi 6 technology.
Easily integrate business communications into your applications or processes with Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX® Open Gateway.
ALE提供灵活性, secure and resilient 数字时代通信 to Operations Control Centres in smart cities, 公共安全, 能源及公用事业, 和…
Remote visual assistance optimizes operations, lowers costs and improves time-to-resolution
在一个充满网络威胁的世界里, transportation operators are re-thinking security strategies and adopting new methods for securing access to networks.
提供安全, sustainable digital transformation solutions across transportation ecosystems for a greener tomorrow.
Smart transport operators require seamless connectivity between all transport subsystems to provide efficient, 货物和人员的安全流动.
Smart mobility is critical to the smart city and plays an important role in sustainability. ALE技术正在帮助城市实现这些目标.