Guest Experience
通过与客人建立直接联系,脱颖而出,提高忠诚度. 确保您的客人可以通过个人和客房设备即时访问设施和工作人员,并使用数据不断重塑他们的体验,为未来做好准备. 在遵守安全法规的同时提高客户满意度并创造新的收入.
Our smart hotel solutions help hotels, cruise ships, and restaurants create a guest experience that is direct, mobile and safe. 我们提供的解决方案提供高度个性化的移动客户连接, powerful Wi-Fi connectivity, and smart room experiences. 我们的解决方案还提供丰富的数据,以便您做出明智的业务决策.
Grow your business with smart hotel solutions
- 在所有设备和空间上提供同质的数字体验可以强化你的品牌
- 即时虚拟礼宾服务随时随地为客人提供帮助,并保证他们的安全
- 由于强大的酒店Wi-Fi,客人可以消费首选的服务和内容
- Digital amenities on all hotel devices create new revenues
- 分析可以提高你的客户智慧,并为你提供新的服务理念
Make your guest the centre of your operations
数字化的客人体验可以在所有酒店空间和设备上强化您的品牌. It helps you keep your guests close, wherever they are. And it minimizes face-to-face contact to keep everyone safe.
A virtual eConcierges such as Rainbow Guest Connect, 连接您的员工和您的客人随时提供服务, anywhere. 客人可以从他们的设备联系您并使用服务, your entertainment systems, in-room or hotel phones, thanks to the Smart Guest Applications.
一个强大而安全的酒店Wi-Fi是忠诚度和业务的驱动力. Guests enjoy your concierge app on their smart devices, 使用首选服务,并可以从任何地方联系您的团队. 客人的个人数据和商业交易数据是安全的,因为连接到您的酒店网络受到密切监控.
数字设施的便利为酒店业创造了无限的商机. 客人现在可以在任何地方订购任何东西,而不仅仅是在您的大厅或使用他们的房间电话. Digital amenities also transform your loyalty programs. Rainbow Guest Connect允许您根据每位客人的喜好定制您的优惠, location and language.
Last but not least, 数字服务为您提供宝贵的数据,了解客人如何以及何时消费您的服务, what facilities they use most, and how they set up their rooms. Guest data can feed your loyalty program, help you make predictions about resources consumption, and decide future investments or developments.
Customer Benefits
Guests enjoy convenience and readily available services:
- 24/7数字设施和访问您的员工从自己的设备或任何酒店设备
- 所有酒店空间的强大连接都可以访问首选的服务和内容
- Attract new and repeat visits with high safety standards
- Enhance brand loyalty with a continuous guest connection
- Create new revenues with digital amenities
- 使用来自数字设施消费的数据来支持忠诚度计划和支持业务决策
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Hospitality adapts to succeed in the new normal
Marred by unprecedented disruption, 酒店业正在适应新常态带来的回报.
Redesigning your guests’ journey
Digital hospitality solutions can enable a safe, efficient, 非接触式客人体验,为火狐体育手机导航后流行病的世界.