Revitalise education with a modern campus network


一个现代, campus-wide network upgrade aligns capabilities with academic, research and business priorities today and tomorrow. 


In the 1970s memory-programmable controls and computers first appeared. That made interconnected 设备 possible, and by the early 2000s we had the internet in the palms of our hands. 如今,Z世代(1996年至2010年出生的人)从未见过一个没有数据共享的世界.

Doesn’t that mean it’s time to revitalise the way we teach?

现代化的校园网络使学术机构能够利用数字时代的技术,推出大量引人入胜的个性化教学选择. 大量用户, data, 设备, 可以跨有线和无线网络支持端到端的应用程序和系统, including off-campus locations. With fast access to the high-capacity bandwidth, 改变学习环境的应用程序和服务随时可用.

Before an educational institution modernises its campus network, 在这里 are a few points to guide decision-making.

1. 为灵活性而构建

The first thing to consider is the fast-changing nature of technology. 这意味着任何教育机构都无法确定自己的长期需求. 这些不确定性使得选择网络方法和解决方案变得更加重要,这些方法和解决方案将继续有意义并在长期内获得回报.


• Flexible deployment models with the ability to move to the cloud at your pace

• 灵活的财务模式, 包括一个更可预测的网络即服务模式,减少前期投资并加速网络升级

• Built-in features and functions with no extra fees or deployment effort for a faster, easier approach to advancing network capabilities

• Comprehensive network 解决方案 that ease adoption of advanced tools, 技术, 应用程序s and services without compatibility issues

• Environmentally friendly 解决方案 从而减少电力和冷却需求,降低能源消耗,实现可持续发展目标

2. Defend against cyberthreats

Cyberthreats are real – and even more so with online teaching.

教育al institutions should adopt a Zero trust network access (ZTNA) security 策略. 与ZTNA, 没有用户, 设备, 或者应用程序具有隐含信任——无论它位于何处——这是减少内部和外部风险并管理不断变化的网络威胁环境的最有效方法.

没有特定的技术或解决方案集可以使网络零信任. 相反,每个网络解决方案都必须支持有助于实现零信任范例的机制. 这些机制包括:

• 端到端加密 网络中的每一个硬件和软件元素,以保护通信和信息从原点到目的地

 Unified network access control so that IT teams can consistently define which users, 设备 and 应用程序s can access different types of functionality

• Macro-segmentation 根据功能等因素将网络划分为不同的区域, 应用程序, 或用户组,将关键资产和资源与网络的其余部分隔离开来. 微营销 在单个用户或设备级别划分网络,以便更好地控制网络访问和实施安全策略

• Consistent 应用程序 of security policies across 来自同一产品系列的硬件和软件元素降低了不同策略或策略版本在网络中引入漏洞的风险

 将网络解决方案与现有的或最佳的网络安全集成 解决方案, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, leads to a consistent and context-aware approach to cyberthreat mitigation

3. 流线提高效率

教育领导者应该寻找网络解决方案,使it团队能够更快、更容易地部署新的应用程序和服务,并保持网络在最佳性能下运行. This will save time and money and also reduce the burden on IT teams, 让他们专注于战略重点,而不是日常琐事.

Simplicity starts with 一个单一的 network infrastructure, 一个单一的, 统一的操作系统和单一的网管平台. 解决方案必须是直接和直观的,以提高操作效率并减少对员工培训的需求. 软件定义的解决方案和自动化工作流程的能力将最大限度地减少执行手动任务的需要,从而进一步简化网络操作.

基于开放标准的网络解决方案旨在轻松地与其他系统和技术进行互操作. 结果是, IT团队可以避免适配器时引入的麻烦和额外的故障点和漏洞, converters and workarounds are required to overcome incompatibilities.

最后, network 解决方案 must come with simplified, 一站式服务的许可, strong warranties and technical support services. These elements are essential to eliminate unexpected, 随着新的或不同的需求出现而产生的隐性费用,并确保每个网络元素在其生命周期内提供最大价值.


升级为现代, campus-wide network is a significant undertaking, 技术合作伙伴对网络基础设施和技术的态度至关重要. A converged network that aligns network capabilities with academic, 从运营和财务角度来看,研究和业务优先级是当前和未来的最佳方法.

学术机构应该与提供丰富经验的网络伙伴合作, technical expertise and a flexible, 具有成本效益的方法.



Global Sales Lead, 教育 Vertical

格雷格Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s 教育 vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 




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Revitalise education with a modern campus network

一个现代, campus-wide network upgrade aligns capabilities with academic, research and business priorities today and tomorrow. 

标签- 教育, 学习的连续性

下载 our Network modernisation in education white paper
